
QPMN FlexiBulk Saving

Small Orders - Big Discount

QPMN advantages of adaptive bulk discount

A combination of different designs allowed

Global order consolidation

Easier access to bulk discounts for businesses of all sizes

Mix and Match Designs

Combine different designs within a single order, as long as the specifications (size, finish, etc.) are the same.


Consider a scenario where three unique product designs (A, B, and C) are ordered in quantities of 5 units each.

Global map showing different location connected

Consolidate Orders Across Locations and Dates

Combine orders from different dates or locations into one big order to maximize bulk discounts.


  • Monday: 10 puzzles ordered from Europe
  • Wednesday: 5 puzzles ordered from the US

Combine: 15 total puzzles for a bigger discount.

Enjoy Bulk Discounts on Smaller Orders

Even if you're placing a small order, you can still enjoy the benefits of bulk pricing.

At QPMN, we believe in making cost savings accessible to everyone, regardless of order size.

two stacks of qpmn card decks tall stack of others card decks

How it works

3 step guide showing how to combine orders

Ready to get started?

Our innovative saving program offers you the flexibility to optimize your savings.

Have questions or want to learn more? Contact us now!